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The BMW 8er Club Intl (B8CI) board of directors committee was taken place in Paris


  • The BMW 8er Club Intl (B8CI) board of directors committee was taken place in Paris

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ID: 339913 Determination of quorum and call to order with 7 Intl Clubs/Communities.

    The following were present:
    • Fredi Hatt, Micha Jeske, Martin and Christoph Bruegger from Swiss, German, Austrian club.
    • Egil Sandvik and Terje Nordhus from Norway
    • Jesus Hernandez Campo from Spain.
    • Fabrice Dray, Antonin Teyssier, François Humbert, Tristan Courtois, Phillipe Gegou, Philippe Cherqui from France.
    • Dick and Gerrie Baars from The Netherlands.
    • Roger Wray, USA (per skype)
    • Pierre Emmanuel Goffinet and Jean Agie from Belgium
    • The Dutch club joined our community after a few years of absence.

    The President Fabrice Dray recalls the last years events and explains the present situation of the 8er organization, as well as the possibility and interest to become an official BMW Club. The represented countries members explained the current situation in their own country.

    Guidelines were set for Meetings/Rallys
    We agreed on 3 types of Meetings/Rallys
    • European Rallys (one per year)
    • Rallys (several local Rallys)
    • International Rallys (several Club gathering also inviting other clubs)

    Regarding the official European Rally no other large gathering are allowed in the 2 weeks prior and behind this Rally.
    Each Rally requires to set a program in advance and inform clearly on the schedule and fees.
    Try not to put up Rallys at the same time within a reasonable geographic distance.
    Fredi Hatt will set a guide to help planning a Rally.

    B8CI main Rallys for the next years to come :
    • 2013 in Vienna 7-9 June
    • 2014 in Munich 5-7 September (25th anniversary of the E31) or early july 2014.
    • 2015 in Spain
    • 2016 in the Netherlands (Amsterdam)

    A new website will be released during Christmas 2012.
    A facebook group was created : BMW 8er Club International
    Server cost : hosting, domain name, software costs to be shared proportionally over the different Clubs worldwide using the site. The Swiss/German/Austrian club will take in charge the server costs for the next 2 years since several of the clubs are very young and dont have any finances, some countries dont have a club, but communities of various size.

    The goal for the future is to get contact persons and leader board members from more countries and for countries with communities a sufficient size to organize a club structure.

    The positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer were up for vote.

    President Fabrice Dray is re-elected for 2 more years.
    Secretary Micha is replaced by Antonin for two more years
    Treasurer Martin is replaced by Micha for two more years.

    Next year the position for Vice President is up for vote.
    Next board meeting will take place in Brussels.
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      Determination of quorum and call to order with 7 Intl Clubs/Communities.

      The following were present:
      • Fredi Hatt, Micha Jeske, Martin and Christoph Bruegger from Swiss, German, Austrian club.
      • Egil Sandvik and Terje Nordhus from Norway
      • Jesus Hernandez Campo from Spain.
      • Fabrice Dray, Antonin Teyssier, François Humbert, Tristan Courtois, Phillipe Gegou, Philippe Cherqui from France.
      • Dick and Gerrie Baars from The Netherlands.
      • Roger Wray, USA (per skype)
      • Pierre Emmanuel Goffinet and Jean Agie from Belgium
      • The Dutch club joined our community after a few years of absence.
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